• Byggnet

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    Byggnet integrates into iBinder Sweden AB

    In May 2021, Byggnet became a part of the iBinder Group. Now, we take the next step in our journey; on January 1, 2024, the company Byggnet will be integrated with its sister company iBinder Sweden AB. The purpose of this integration is to simplify for our customers and create even better conditions for continuing to improve our products and services.

    The change does not affect you as a customer – we will continue to offer our services in exactly the same form, and the terms of the agreements will not change. However, if you are a customer in multiple iBinder companies, you will be able to consolidate your invoices and take advantage of attractive offers.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us!

    The world of construction is tough enough. That’s why we created Byggnet.

    Byggnet is a digital information system which simplifies the construction process and gives you control of the project documentation. Everyone involved in the project receives access to the right information, wherever they are. This ensures that processes run smoothly and without delays or unnecessary construction errors. Byggnet is used by thousands of people to simplify the building process on both large and small projects. Construction work can be complex, but it doesn’t have to be. Why don’t you try Byggnet too?

    Construction Site

    20,000 projects over two decades.

    Since it was first launched in 1999, Byggnet has acted as the hub for projects all over Sweden.

    The comprehensive, user friendly project management solution for the construction and property industry.

    Byggnet brings together documents, information, data and case details in one central location. Regardless of whether the project is in its early stages or in the procurement, construction or administration phase, everyone involved can keep up-to-date with the latest developments on their computer or smartphone or with the help of printed documents. Byggnet automates the delivery of physical or digital documents to selected members of the project team.

    Designed for every role in a construction project.

    For Project Managers

    With Byggnet you no longer need to worry about unnecessary errors, additional costs or delayed deliveries on your project. You have control over every aspect of the project, you set up the team member lists and you decide who should receive information. The distribution process is automatic.

    For project team members

    Byggnet gives you all the information you need at the right time. You will receive the correct versions of drawings and other important documents. Byggnet is easy to access from a web browser, smartphone or tablet.

    For project clients

    Byggnet helps to reduce the risk of construction errors and delays. Everyone involved in the project receives the correct version of documents and Byggnet ensures that the construction work is documented, managed and logged correctly throughout the entire lifetime of the project.


    +46 19 764 05 10

